How Indians Cooked their Food
of the first Americans liked their food well cooked. They
wanted it done. At the same time they wanted it
to have a good flavor, and overcooking was apt to ruin
this. (I have tried to eat some game that I wished had been
ruined entirely.) The Indians prized a good cook, and always
praised her. Their way was not to grumble over poor cooking
but to praise the good. . The Indian woman had only a few
simple utensils to assist her in her art. Nevertheless she
knew how to cook meat and vegetables to a turn. One favorite
way was to cover game,-fish, fowl, rabbits and the like,with
clay, well worked and spread on two fingers thick, care being
taken that no part of the creature, even a bit of hair, stuck
out. Fish were not scaled, birds were not plucked, save for
the larger feathers, but their heads and wings were removed.
Sometimes the game was dressed and stuffed with pot herbs,
but sometimes not. The claywrapped tid-bit was then
placed in the embers, being covered with ashes and glowing
A good fire was now built over the mound and
the cooking was continued for an hour or so. When the roast
was taken f rom the embers the clay was broken with a stick
and pulled off, the fur, scales or feathers coming with it,
leaving a dish fit for any epicure.
Indians, who had clay kettles, pot-roasted
their meats, the pot being heaped around with embers and
covered with a flat stone. Frying in deep fat was done in
a clay pot. I have dug up scores of these ancient cooking
vessels, and thousands of pieces of them, with the charred
grease still sticking to them. The greases used were those
of the deer, bear and buffalo, though there were vegetable
oils made of nuts and sunflowers.
Meat could be boiled, of course, and in the
form of soup it formed a common food. Cured meats, as dried
venison, bear meat, buffalo, fish and even oysters and clams
were pulverized and boiled with suitable vegetables.
Boiling could be done in skin or bark utensils,
or even on a clay bed, by filling with cold water, dropping
in the meat and then heating with hot stones taken from a
near-by fire. It was safer to boil in a bark dish than in
a clay pot, because of the ease with which the pot was broken.
One hot stone gives off a great deal of heat, and a dozen
or so used in this manner soon finishes the task of hot-stone
Meat was stuck on spits and roasted before
an open fire, the spits being turned to keep the process
even. In this connection it is well to note that the Indians
watched their pots, and that they did boil. They
also watched all their cooking, it being considered a sign
of a poor cook to ramble away and become interested in something
else. There were several amusing talesabout people who forgot
their meat, as the raccoon did when he went to sleep and
let the fox eat his roasting geese.
A fireless cooker was commonly used for meat,
beans, tubers and corn. A hole a foot and a half deep (knee
deep) was dug and in it a fire was kindled. Gradually larger
pieces of wood were put in until the pit was filled with
glowing embers. More than this, the earth was heated a considerable
distance beyond the surface. The hole was now quickly cleared,
the meat or vegetables put in a pot, or suitably wrapped,
and then the whole covered with ashes and hot embers. Sometimes
a fire was built over the pit to keep the heat where it belonged.
This fire might then die down, and the cook depart for a
couple of hours. When he came back his dish was done, and
done in a delicious way. It had cooked slowly and in its
own juices. Indians like beans and corn on the cob cooked
this way.