which occurred in 1 in 40,000 children during the 1960's,
in January 2004 according to the CDC, occurred among
1 in 166 U.S. school children -- epidemic numbers in
the U.S. and worldwide. Autism increased nearly 1000%
during the 1990s - at the same time they tripled the
vaccination schedule for infants and children.
Bernard Rimland, founder of the Autism Society of
America and director of Autism Research Institute (www.
says, "There is a huge epidemic of autism and
it is the vaccinations." Rimland, who consulted
on the movie 'Rain Man,' points out to support his
case that the symptoms of mercury poisoning are amazingly
like the symptoms of autism. Mercury is extraordinarily
toxic in small amounts, but some people are amazingly
susceptible to minute amounts of mercury."
"When we were children we had 3 vaccinations
before the age of 6," says Rimland. "Now
the kids get 22 before the age of 2. It's a little
like saying if a kid can safely carry 3 books in his
backpack, then 22 is also safe."
message to Congress is one of hope: Autism IS Treatable! Chelating mercury from the child's
body combined with hyperbaric & nutritional protocols
have D.A.N. doctors returning 50-70% of autistic children
to the normal range.
that every 18 minutes another American child "gets" autism
(mercury poisoning), Dr. Stephanie Cave wrote the book, "What
Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Children's Vaccinations," (a
compilation of studies showing what vaccines are related
to huge increases in what childhood illnesses; ways
to vaccinate more safely; medical, religious and philosophical
exemptions; & national vaccine injury fund "free
lawsuits"). Cave treats over 600 autistic
children at her clinic, many - especially the youngest
- with remarkable results
Informational Websites:
Autism Association
Support group
for 1.5 million autism spectrum disorder children and their familes.
Autism now affects over 1 in 166 children nationwide and continues
to rise each year. Medical studies support autism is
often mercury poisoning and bio-medical interventions
including nutritional and chelation protocols have
DAN doctors returning up to 70% of children (especially
the youngest) to a normal range.
Cutler Mercury Chelation Protocol
Hall Cutler, PhD biochemist, has come up with "the
counting rules" to determine toxicity from hair
test results. Autistic children don't excrete mercury
so hair samples from autistic children usually show
NO mercury. Instead, Cutler found that derangement
of levels of other toxic heavy metals in the body can
indicate mercury toxicity. Andy Cutler's "counting
rules" is important because most doctors see no
mercury and tell parents their autistic kids aren't
mercury poisoned. Instead have the PhD expert
who designed the protocol read the test results for
you at no cost. Email:
Autism Now (D.A.N.) Doctors
of DAN Doctors in America and internationally who work
in conjunction with Bernard Rimland's Autism Research
Institute with latest Bio-Medical Protocols including
mercury chelation for treating autism.
Megson Cod Liver Oil Protocol
Mary Megson treats nearly 2000 Developmental Disorder
and autistic children in Virginia . Her
treatment using Cod Liver Oil and Bethanecol has many
autistic children seeing huge improvements and speaking
for the first time within hours or days of receiving
their first dose. She follows this with Chelation.
90 Chelation Rounds Testimonial
a stay at home lawyer with 2 autism spectrum sons,
website documents 90 rounds of chelation and nutritional
protocols to bring one son to normal range. Dana is
an expert in every area of mercury chelation and nutritional
protocols. She uses Andy Cutler's
protocols and answers all questions. Email:
"Autism-Mercury" list
at To join, send an email to:
Andy Cutler, lawyer-mom Dana, a researcher Teresa
Binstock and over 3000 parents create a great support
system answering questions on successful treatment
protocols - all working to return their kids to normal
at: "Autism-Mercury." Since there are so
many questions, we recommend going to, and
putting the list setting on Digest so you get 2 emails
daily with 25 messages instead of 50 emails into your
box daily. You can learn an immense amount of information
very quickly on this list, however if too many emails,
email Andy Cutler or Dana directly.
Research Institute
Rimland's "Autism IS Treatable" Congressional
speech, studies, etc.
Vaccine Information Center
and oldest national non-profit dedicated to preventing
vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. Many
resources for parents concerned about vaccine safety. Operates
Vaccine Reaction Registry.
"What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Children's
Vaccinations" by Stephanie Cave , M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
and Deborah Mitchell. Dr. Cave treats 600 autistic
children at her clinic in Baton Rouge , LA.
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