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Summer update from Tami

Steven Calabrese returned from a very special trip to Paris and Tami shared a few pictures with us. Talk about a great way to spend your summer!

Hi everyone,

We just got a new swimming pool that I am sure they (the triplets)will be in everyday..They love the slide:))) Stephen is spending the summer in Paris...And Steve and I are opening another store in Thousand Oaks...BUSY summer in the Calabrese home!!!

Catching up with the Calabreses

February 2004

Hi everyone!

We took the girls on their first REAL vacation and we all had so much fun..They loved how they could eat as much ice cream as they wanted:)  Day and night) and absolutely LOVED the bunk beds...Oh to be 8 again!

Tami was kind enough to share some pictures of the family on this vacation with us.

June 2003

We asked the Calabrese's mom what the children have been up to lately. Here's what she shared with us.

Stephen is in Fifth grade and the girls 1st grade. McKenzie is my smart girl rarely having to study for tests as she just naturally memorizes everything and loves to read and draw.They all get straight A;s but Lexi has to study much harder than the other two. Now that they can read and write it is a big deal for them and they spend ALOT of time writing letters/messages to anyone and everyone:) Lexi and Megan are both very physical, winning most all track races they do. The love to run! Megan is very concerned with being pretty most of the time:) All three girls are very interested in watching American Idol and begging for singing lessons and piano lessons! They love their swimming lessons and love their acting lessons.Their new dog Ollie ,A Yorkshire Terrier they got for their bday consumes most of their time. They wake up playing with him and go to sleep playing with him.

Favorite things

American Idol, school, playing with the dog, riding bikes, swimming, acting class and going to the movies.