Larry Sellers speaks to inner
Joplin Independent
by: mariwinn ![](/images/larryjoplin2.jpg)
Larry Sellers, a noted Native American actor and spiritual leader, was
working the audience without a script. When one is not impassioned by
the conversation, it’s easy to think, “Holy Sheboygan, what
is this guy talking about.”
Unfortunately, I missed his morning talk at Fox Farm Whole Food on 32nd
street in Joplin, where he was scheduled to discuss herbal medicine—what
works and what doesn’t. I would have found that particularly interesting,
since I haven’t discovered anything on the shelves that works better
than a mental cure. It’s amazing what one can do with mind control.
Speaking of mind control, in the afternoon I finally ran into Sellers,
down the road apiece at Eccentrix, and an audience mesmerized by his words.
They looked white to me, but he had them listening to their inner Indian.
By and large, they appeared to be a docile group, but they were riled
up by Sellers’ words against the ills of white society.
“Displaying respect: don’t lie, cheat, stab people in the
back” Sellers re-iterated throughout his talk in describing what
was meant to be an American Indian. “But,” he said, “survival
changed all that living in white society.”
What the historian side of Sellers was referring to was the popular racial
slur, “the only good Indian is a dead one,” but he expanded
it to mean not dead physically but spiritually, economically and socially.
Social historian, Roy Pearce in his book, Savagism and Civilization: A
Study of the Indian and the American Mind, backs up Sellers arguments.
In quoting from the 1779 journal of Major James Norris which expressed
the frontier truth: “Civilization or death to all American savages,"
Pearce mentions that Indians had to change their ways or assimilate the
rules and lifestyle of the white conquerors and settlers or die. Anybody
resisting this policy was used as an excuse for bloodbaths or for driving
survivors into inhumane reservations.
Larry Sellers intently listens to questions from the audience while speaking
at Eccentrix in Joplin.
“There’s not room for honor and dignity in this society. How
to get on top, make more money than me” were words Sellers used
to describe peoples’ priorities.
How to make native people human again is the challenge Sellers took up
as early as 2001. Working with the Osage tribe in Oklahoma, Sellers conducted
workshops in parenting with traditional values.
He blames a white “boarding school method” of discipline for
creating fear and encouraging lying and manipulation. He called an “honest
white guy,” an oxymoron and said that creating “nice little
brown white people” destroyed a whole race.
Traditional tribal rearing included no abuse of kids, he pointed out,
adding that it allowed self-expression and forced the concept of parenting.
“A human being from the womb should be treated with respect,”
he said.
Sellers also called attention to misguided comments he’s heard from
educators, like “You still live in teepees?” In his role as
a Cheyenne medicine man named Cloud Dancing in Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman,
Sellers said that he often suggested script changes that made native people
more human or multi-dimensional. He refused to speak in pigeon or broken
English. “While the townsfolk sounded like idiots, I spoke proper
English,” he noted.
Pictured is the person Sellers decribed as his "girlfriend."
In responding to whether he were a traditional Indian or not, Sellers
said, "I would have come on a horse instead of a Grand-Am...and my
girlfriend drove it." ![](/images/Larrygirlfriend.jpg)
Critical of group regimentation, Sellers took out all the cards he had
in his wallet identifying himself as an Indian. He also suggested that
the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the proliferation of tribal councils
may be the source of many problems.
After making a somewhat derogatory reference to Middle America and the
Bible belt, Sellers told the audience to embrace the Bible if it made
them “better human beings,” but not to let organized religion
“control [their] thoughts and actions.” Instead, they should
re-discover their own spirituality.
With laws on the books in Missouri sanctioning abuse of American Indians
until as late as 1996, Sellers called attention to the designation, “Black
Dutch,” which appears on many local genealogical records. Check
your records further, Sellers advised the audience, describing the use
of the term by Melungeons, people who moved from the Virginia-North Carolina
border to the Ozark area who were an amalgamation of various mixed race,
non-white people, particularly remnants of Indian groups. “They
hid their Indian origin while trying to explain their being darker than
most whites,” he noted.
While changing the white man’s ways as a whole is a nearly impossible
task, Sellers hopes that he will convince small groups of people within
larger divisions who have Indian ancestry to increase their spirituality.
“Look at your family tree for your Indian heritage,” he said,
“and gain a greater understanding of it.”
Ron Erwin is owner of both Fox Farm and Eccentrix. He and Eccentrix manager,
Brian Speer hope to schedule more speakers in the future. Erwin also hopes
to convince the Native American Student Association (NASA) at Missouri
Southern to sponsor a Native American entertainer in the fall.
To encourage local Native American artists, Erwin, with the guidance of
Speer, have set up a corner of Eccentrix to showcase a variety of cultural
material. “We hope to do it in a respectful way, Erwin said. Among
the items, which are available for purchase, are jewelry, dolls, beaded
work, fetishes, and bronzes
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