Who is Genevieve

Where some actors will work on a show and not have that much interest in what has gone before, preferring to concentrate their attention cm the role they are playing, Jane wanted to know how Genevieve fitted into the intricate patterns that the Smallville scriptwriters and producers had been creating over the previous three-and-ahalf years. "1 kept saying, 'What's this? What's that?"' she recalls. "'Why is this happening?' 'What are these crystals? Fill me in!"'

In fact, as events have shown, much of the information I hat we have learned about the crystals has actually come froth scenes in which Jane has appeared, and the producers' quest for the keenest scripts meant that this had regulary changed. Unlike some actors on Smallville, Jane was given quite a bit of information about her character before she started filming, some of which wasn't revealed to the audience until a good way into her time on the show-. "They told me that Genevieve was Jason's mother," Jane recalls, "They told me that she had information about the crystals. They told me that she was involved with setting up Lana meeting her son in Paris [in Crussade), and that she knows something about the tattoo on Lana's back - I think that's about it."

For the audience though, initially, they don't really know who she is or what she's up to, and indeed which side either she or Jason are on. Are they helping Lana for altruistic reasons, or do they have an agenda of their own.' Are she and Jason cooperating or arc mother and son at loggerheads?"Although the producers gave her a. certain amount of information, they deliberately didn't paint a complete picture for Jane of Genevieve's life stop. "I don't know what her back story is, but in my mind, it's that she was
very manipulative," she explains.