T.G.:. Of all of your various careers, which is your most rewarding?

Of Course the most rewarding is mother. As far as the creative arts, I love acting, but when I paint that is something that I do for me.

Painting is the spiritual place that I go to, to find peace. The fact that people like my paintings and want to have them in their homes is icing on the cake. I also love my designing like my acting; I love it! What gives me the most joy is to be in the creative process, in the creative moment. I don't really distinguish one from the other, they are all part of the same response to life.

T.G.: You're a quintessential travelgirl, circling the globe constantly.You travel often to your home in England, tell us about it.

St. Catherine's Court dates back over a thousand years. It dates back to 950. The ground floor was from that period and the house above it dates to the late 1400s. The additions to the house go on most recently to 1910. It is a Grade 1 listed property, which means it is considered one of the most important architectural monuments in England.

One of my collections with Parisian and Saks is based on St. Catherine's Court. It is being completely refurbished. The cottages are 17th century and you can presently rent them. At the moment the castle is being renovated. In 2006 the entire property will be available for rent. It will even have Internet access and all of the modern amenities in an ancient home. We are actually filming the reconstruction right now. It was amazing; we found a pre-Roman coin the other day.

T.G.: What is next for Jane Seymour ?

J.S.: .
I am doing a film called The Blind Guy, a romantic comedy which also stars a young actor named Chris Pine, and Eddie Kay Thomas who was in American Pie. I am still working on Smallville and I have a major movie coming out called
The Wedding Crashers
. It is supposed to be the major hit of the summer.

The Blind Guy is being directed and produced by Catfish Productions, which is my family's production company My husband, James Keach, is producing and directing the movie. He also produced a movie called Walk the Line, which is about Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. It's about their love story and the early days of Johnny Cash. It goes back to when Johnny Cash and June used to be on Dr. Quinn. We became such close friends with them that when I gave birth to my twins, I named one after Johnny, Johnny Keach - and Johnny Cash became his godfather. We named our other twin after Christopher Reeve, Kristopher Keach, and Christopher Reeve was his godfather.Christopher Reeve was a very close friend. We lost Chris Reeve, Johnny Cash, and June Carter Cash in the same year. We also lost my husband's parents; it has been a very tough year for us. Johnny and June would be very proud of the movie that we have made and I am quite excited about that.

T.G.: Do you have any tips for young actors and actresses out there who want to follow in your footsteps?

J.S.: You have to want it more than life itself because the competition is ferocious. You cannot take it personally when someone says you are too fat, too thin, too smart, whatever it is. Your hair is too long, too short; there will always be an arbitrary reason why they might turn you down. If you love acting, my suggestion is that you create your own material. While you are waiting for a job, work on your own material, because the hardest thing to find is great material. If you don't make it as an actress, then you might make it as a producer or a writer. Since I produce and write also, I think it is important to do a lot of things.