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During the weekend of October 1, 1998, fans from all over the world gathered to prepare for a protest rally scheduled for that following Monday in LA. Gathering at the Paramount Ranch, members of the Coalition introduced themselves to each other. Most were meeting for the very first time but it didn't take long for the magic that occurs at every ' Quinn gathering" to occur.

Introducing ourselves- Real Media

Introducing ourselves- Windows Media

After introductions, the fans were treated to a tour of the ranch by Lee, her son and Lee's husband Bob. The trio who had worked background on Dr. Quinn during the series run, shared stories of behind the scenes filming including the story of  what really happened during the filming of  Sully's bachelor party!

Telling Stories- Real Media

Telling Stories- Windows Media

The Sign Party- Real Media

The Sign Party
- Windows Media

Sunday night, the group gathered at the Rennaissance Hotel for a sign making party. Materials were laid out and sign making for the next day's protest rally began in earnest. While William Olvis's Dr. Quinn music played in the background, members drew slogans, glued handles to signs and got to know each other. Among those present was a reporter who was there covering the story for a local paper- the Acorn..(see newspaper photo below)

The Rally- Real Media

The Rally- Windows Media   

Finally, Monday dawned, the day of the rally. Members headed out in high spirits breaking into groups for the ride to LA. The protesters set up camp directly in front of the "Eye' which was seen to blink hard once or twice in alarm! Requests by the group's leaders to meet with Les Moonves were refused but in an effort to appease the protestors, CBS executives set out tables in front of their own building offering free coffee and donuts. This gesture was dismissed with cries of ' Save Dr. Quinn" much to the executive's dismay. As SOS protestors lined the streets, motorists honked in response to' HONK FOR QUINN signs. Even one of the group's dogs got into theact with his own - Bring back Wolf sign!