FANS of "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman" are expressing outrage over CBS's decision to cancel the heartwarming, beloved, family series about life on the American frontier. The show, starring Jane Seymour as a frontier doctor in Colorado in the 1860s, was dropped from the lineup after six seasons. It's being replaced by "Early Edition," which is moving from its Saturday night time slot (9-10 pm.) to make room for Sammo Hung star of the new action series'Martial Law." Numerous fans are voicing their dismay on Seymour's Web site, with many pleading with the network to reconsider the cancellation of the show, which they're calling "the only decent show left on television." Some "Dr. Quinn" supporters even threaten to boycott CBS if the series didn't return, citing its strong sense of morality and their ability to view the program with their children. "At a time when the networks are coming under increasing scrutiny for the amount of violence and sleaze across the dial, `Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman' has been the one shining star, a truly well-written, intelligent program for the entire family;' wrote the Odom family of Orlando, Fla., on the Web site. CBS has approached Seymour and the program's creator, producer Beth Sullivan, about producing a two-hour "Dr. Quinn movie that would wrap up the series. As yet, it's unclear whether that will happen. Network officials stress that the decision hinged on financial concerns and internal pressure exercised by the stations CBS owns in big cities, who have pushed to programming that appeals younger more urban audience. ' The CBS network will probably lose money next season, paying $500 million for broadcast rights to NFL football alone. The network's new management team has thus put more emphasis on its local TV stations, which represent CBS' profit center."Dr. Quinn" had respectable ratings this season, but the show performed better in the South than in the major media centers where CBS owns stations. - Post Wire Services |