One of those ‘moments’ this time involved a little Philipino woman named Marta, who I had seen at Jane’s show last year. Marta had returned this year, presumably to add to her growing “Jane’ collection and to claim a painting she had ordered earlier. I watched in amusement as Jane who had been several feet away when Marta entered the booth suddenly came running over to hug her crying “You’ve got my BABY!” Those of us standing there were at first startled then intrigued by this unusual outburst until it became clear that the “baby’ Jane was alluding to was her favorite painting, which Marta had just bought! Marta explained to Jane that one of the paintings she had bought the year before had been a gift for a friend. This lady had wanted to accompany her to the show but circumstances had prevented her coming. I had stepped back a bit so as not to appear intrusive so I don’t know whose idea it was but moments later I watched as Marta dialed her friend’s number excitedly then handed the cell phone to Jane. (Jane had apparently agreed to “meet’ Marta’s friend on the phone) From the look of delight on Marta’s face, this generous gesture meant a great deal to her, I’ve no doubt it did to her friend as well!

Comments from passersby also provided a constant source of amusement- from the gentleman who seemed to be giving a ‘blow by blow’ description of Jane to a companion over his cell phone (Yes, she’s here, yea she’s gorgeous!) to one woman who was having a terrible time trying to convince her husband that really WAS Jane Seymour over there! (I’m telling you it’s HER!”)

One surprisingly sad observation I made though during the weekend was that most of the younger children accompanied by their parents didn’t seem to recognize Jane from Dr. Quinn. I waited in vain for the familiar cry of “Look- Dr. Mike” until it finally dawned on me that these children belonged to a younger generation who had never met “Michaela Quinn” (except perhaps in reruns) This point was driven home vividly when I spoke with one woman whose 12 year old daughter just looked at me blankly when I asked her if she knew who Dr. Quinn was. If she didn’t know Jane as Michaela, I was sure she wouldn’t know her from Somewhere in Time so I tried a different tack- “Do you watch Smallville?” I asked the girl. Immediately her eyes lit up. Success! “Well do you know Genevieve?” Again the girl nodded. “Well that’s HER I said pointing to Jane! “REALLY?” she exclaimed. THAT impressed her! I shook my head at her mother and the two of us shared a bittersweet laugh. How sad! (thanks CBS!)

Between chatting with Jane, Tom and Susan and ‘people watching” Saturday flew by. I left shortly before Jane did to head out to dinner with some friends promising to return the next day. (wether or not Jane and the others considered that a threat or a promise was a matter of interpretation!)

Sunday, before reappearing at Jane's booth I set out to explore some of the other exhibitions (something I hadn’t bothered to do in previous years) at the expo. While certainly, many of the other artist’s works were impressive, I found they also seemed somewhat overpowering. I decided that I preferred the subtle quality of Jane’s art to these more dramatic pieces. By the steady flow of patrons to Jane’s booth throughout the rest of the day, it seemed a lot of people shared my opinion. Of course, for many, Jane herself, was a huge draw in addition to her art. Watching the reactions of those gathered around Jane’s booth, I was reminded of the scene in Dr. Quinn where Colleen is lamenting Alice’s (a peer) popularity and wonders what Alice has that Colleen doesn’t. Mike replies, "Some people seem to have—it’s like a kind of perfume, that makes everyone want to be around them.” If anyone has that ‘perfume’ it’s Jane Seymour.

By the end of the second day, I couldn't help but marvel at Jane's patience. No sooner would she sit for a moment to sneak a bite of salad then someone else would approach eager to have a photo with her. Graciously, she would nod her assent and rise from her chair but my heart went out to her as I could see the exhaustion in her eyes. Although she had been scheduled to leave at 2 PM, she had decided to stay until 3:30 to accommodate all those who were still clamoring for a photo or to inquire about her paintings.

Around 3:15 as Susan was helping Jane gather her things, I decide to head out in order to make my
4 :30 bus. I thanked Jane's team for being so welcoming and walked over to say my goodbyes to Jane. She thanked me for coming and for my help during the show (I had taken some photos for her of buyers who had forgotten their cameras and wanted their picture with her) "You stood a long time she remarked, as she hugged me goodbye. (she had been standing for 4 days straight and was concerned about me?) I assured her the weekend had been well spent.

And it had, in fact I was already making plans for next year!