An Interview with Jane Seymour

Jane Tells the Naked Truth About Wedding Crashers

At age 54, Jane Seymour is still in the prime of her life. And she proves every bit of that in her latest movie Wedding Crashers also starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. Jane plays the mother of Rachel McAdams - the affection of Owen. Fortunatly for Owen, Jane is after him! And she takes some liberties when it comes to wearing clothes, seducing Owen with her characters 'newest assets.'

When we talked to Jane about the nude scene, she seemed to be very comfortable and open to the discussion, especially about a younger guy touching her breasts. Here's how the entire interview went:

What was it like to play the part of Kathleen in this movie?

Jane Seymour: When I first read the script I thought this is maybe too risqué for me to do and then I re-read the script and I thought this was the funniest thing I'd ever read and then I re-read it a third time and I said, I've got to play this part because I know who Kathleen, who Kitty Cat is.

What about going after a younger guy?

Jane Seymour: Um, you mean go out with a younger guy? Oh yeah. Not recently, I've been married now. I've had my Kitty Cat time. I'm not an alcoholic though, but you know, a glass of wine and I dated when I was single I dated a couple of guys who were quite a lot younger than me. You know, fifteen years, or so. Enough, enough to be fine when you're in L.A., and really not fine when you go to the children's school program. But I was a Bond girl as a baby. I was 20 when I was a Bond girl. No, if I was going after 15 year-olds when I was 20, that would be really sad.

Did you have a body double?

Jane Seymour: I..I felt that, um, there's a very large part of this performance depended on my body, so I wanted to bring my own. And they hired my own. You know, I mean I think I would have been, I think it would have been gross if they'd hired somebody with some sort of, you know huge bosom. I mean, you know, mine were certainly compact enough to, you know, be OK. I thought it was so beautifully lit. I thought the scene played so well and I thought the audience and everyone was howling, that, no, I feel 100% happy about it. I don't for one second regret anything that I chose to do. And I think, um, I mean I know I was working with fabulous professionals. You know, there were no outtakes, you know, no nonsense. It was all done very professionally, and uh, it was done for comedy and so, that was cool.

Kitty Cat had just gotten new breasts.. How about Jane?

Jane Seymour: Nothing new (laughs) I don't think we did stuff, everything we could find into the dress. You know, we referred to me as ‘the puppies.' Jane and the puppies. You know, it's just, Jane and puppies, bring them in. No, it was, obviously, it isn't a bad thing to do something like that. But, I just thought it was very funny and as an actress, um, it's really interesting. I'm not Jane Seymour when I go and do that scene. I mean I, the day that I showed up there I was Kitty Cat and Kitty Cat thought this was highly appropriate behavior. Um, that's the only way to play it.

Can you talk about your home in England?

Jane Seymour: Oh, it's beautiful yeah. Ok, the house is a personal home. I bought it 22 years ago when I was making a film, Daphne Du Maurier's, Jamaica Inn. It was a location and I bought it at tea time. They said, you know, you're not allowed to bring your coffee mug in and uh, I got in trouble for leaving my coffee mug there and then I found out it was for sale and the crew, the local crew said ‘ooh, you don't want to be lettin' that Jane Seymour ‘round nice houses, she buys ‘em by tea time.' (Laughs) So, anyway, I made this completely random crazy thing. I moved to America and then I buy this huge thousand year old heap…anyway. And, um, I've been trying to keep it going about twenty-something years, and just recently we've completely re-furbished the two cottages, so it's actually a whole compound, it's a church, a tithe? barn.. a six-bedroom cottage now and then the main house. And, um, it mainly dates back to 950 and then mostly fifteenth century. It's a great one listed property. It's considered one of the most beautiful homes in England and, um, and it's a great big black hole. So, what I do, it's rather than open it up to the public I rent it out very specifically to individual families and people and then I don't take any of the money, it goes towards the restoration of the house. So, it's like a private way of subsidizing it. I didn't want to subsidize it through the government, or through anything where someone could say, you know, why is the government funds being spent on a private home.

Did you ever want to sell?

Jane Seymour: At one point I lost everything and I thought I was going to have to sell, but mercifully I haven't had to, um, Radiohead did OK Computer there, recorded it, The Cure recorded two albums there, S-Club 7, New Order, Robbie Williams has been there. It's a very cool place. The reason I keep it is just not that it's a beautiful place, um, it has, um a spiritual element to it that is very creative and anyone who goes there, um, the muse just hits. And, so for me, when I'm there, I paint and sculpt a great deal. So, I did a lot of uh, a lot of very creative things happened, and for musicians, they say music just flies in their heads when they're there. It's just kind of spooky that way.

Why haven't we seen you much lately?

Jane Seymour: Well thank you very much, you know, you should be my agent. I don't think, I think I'm off the radar really. I don't think anyone's ever kind of you know cared to look. Well if you look at the average age of the women that are starring in movies right now, um, I think it's like 24. Most of the women who are my age are now playing middle-aged and they, you know, they've let themselves get a lot bigger and more homely and they won't let me play those roles. Although, I just played one in a comedy called Blind Guy. I just played a woman, I put a grey wig on, I'm in, I had to show people what I look like a little bit older and a little bit, you know, less glamorous. It's another comedy and again I do a very surprising, it's a surprise, so you have to wait for that one.

What's the other movie you just finished about?

Jane Seymour: The Blind Guy. It stars Chris Pine and Eddie Kay Thomas, and Stephen Tobolowsky. And, so at the moment that's two comedies in a row and I'm loving comedy and I'm just hoping and praying that this movie will go out and some people will let me do some more comedy.

Did you feel comfortable hanging with the younger people on set?

Jane Seymour: Um, I'm always around the younger kids for some reason, I mean, ‘cause I have young kids, you know, I hang with, I'm used to hanging out with my kids' friends, they're all 20, 23, and I have 9-year-old twins, so most of my girlfriends who've had babies are at least fifteen years younger than me, so I very rarely spend time with anyone, you know, quote, unquote my age, ‘cause most of them, their kids have gone through college and now they're doing whatever they're doing and, um, you know, I'm not a lady that lunches, so, you know, I'm kind of very active in the world. So, I, I had a great time on this film because, um, I'd hang with Henry a little bit, but mostly I hung with Isla and, you know, and Owen a bit and Bradley and, uh, Kier. We were just like a little team, we all went off together, did stuff together, and then once in a while I just felt that I was just a little bit too old to be part of what they were doing, so, I got my paints out. (Laughs)

How long have you been married?

Jane Seymour: I've been married this time, 12 years, but together for fourteen.

What's the secret to a successful marriage?

Jane Seymour: A good guy. I have a great guy and he also happens to be my partner in every aspect of my life. I mean, we produce movies together. He directs and uh, we raise children together, his and mine, and all together, and uh, um, I think the secret of a good marriage is marrying your best friend, somebody that you have, you enjoy the company of, somebody that you can share the growth of your life with ‘cause I really believe that life is like a, like a giant wave, you know, you kind of, you grow and you crest and you, you crash and, but the crash is a re-growth and you come back and start again. And, I think a lot of people think that they are going to arrive somewhere, like they'll be successful, or you know, this movie, or I'll get that movie and then I'll be there, I'll be at the top, or I'll be happily married ‘cause I'll be with that guy, or I'll have that house, or I'll have that ring, or I'll have, you know, that bank account and I know that that's not the case because I've had a very turbulent life and I know that, um, you know, you take nothing with you and I even almost died once. So, I have great freedom of knowing that life is about this moment, it's not about playing an old record, it's not about worrying about tomorrow.

Would you ever do a Dr. Quinn reunion?

Jane Seymour: Well, I'm sure if they did, you know I would definitely do it only because that was my family for seven years and I love those people. A lot of them haven't done very much since and so I think it would be really horrendous if I didn't show up and do it, you know, and make it happen because, you know we shared that, they helped make that happen too. Um, but I was just asked to do Battlestar Gallactica the other day and I passed on that, so. I was the original girl in The Battlestar Gallactica. It's a random piece of information. Apparently Sci-Fi people don't forget it though.

What are your favorite movies to watch?

Jane Seymour: Um, I love The Upside of Anger. I saw that recently. I thought that was great. You know, I really love smaller movies, I love smaller movies. I really love the independent movies and I just think that sometimes when they throw a lot of money into it and a lot of special effects and a lot of stunts that you lose the connection, the human connection and I personally love movies that are about the human connection. That's my taste. Whether it's in a comedy, or a romance, or even in an action film, if it doesn't, if I don't relate to the people in it and I don't care about them, I don't care how spectacular it's done.

What was it like to work with Director David Dobkin?

Jane Seymour: I think, you know, he was definitely juggling, uh, uh, a huge weight by dealing with Vince and Owen. I mean, you know, he was like making sure they were happy and they kept wanting to change things and do whatever they wanted to do and I think, you know, he had to be a great diplomat and at the same time have great focus as to what his movie was going to be about. Uh, when it came to someone like me, um, he really let me do my thing and he just kept saying, ‘Hey I love that Jane. Yeah, oh, that's great, do that again, oh, do something else, oh yeah, I love that too, oh, wow, oh, we're just going to let the camera roll, what do you want to do now?' and I'd go, he said, ‘wow, I love that, that's so cool.' So, that's all I got out of him, ‘I love that, that's so cool, oh, Jane, yeah!' That was it, I didn't much direction. (Laughs) I think Owen, Owen came up with the idea of me saying ‘pervert' at the end of the scene which was classic and that was his, but I'm a very open actor. You can throw stuff at me and I try different things. I'm trained in improve and I love it.

Did anyone ever try to crash your wedding?

Jane Seymour: Yes, about 25 journalists and three helicopters. The paparazzi people. Real people, I don't know. But they definitely, they crashed.

Do people ever ask you about being a Bond Girl?

Jane Seymour: I get asked about it every waking minute. The fact that anyone, you know, sees me walking down the street and recognizes me as a Bond Girl is good news because I was 20 when that happened and now I'm substantially older, so that's good news. Uh, and um, you know at the time it was not a good thing for me, it was very bad. Because, I, I'm a trained classical actress. I did Ibsen, and Shakespeare, and Goldone, and Middleton, and Roley, and you know, I was not a T&A actress, I never, it was never what I wanted to be. And, so when I went up for really great roles with great directors, um, they would almost hire me and then they'd look at my bio and see that I'd been a bond girl and they wouldn't see me again, wouldn't speak to me again. So, it was very hard there for a while and that is one of the reasons why I moved to America because, um, in England, it was not a good thing. In this country they don't mind you being glamorous, or anything like that.

Did you choose the name Jane Seymour because it had an historical reference?

Jane Seymour: No, I chose the name Jane Seymour because originally I was a classical ballerina. I danced with the London Festival at Covent Garden. I'm a ballerina by trade; I'm a ballerina who sings by the way. I did all the Chef Boyardee commercials, in America, when I was young. No, I chose the name Jane Seymour because I was doing my first film, Ode to Lovely War, and one of the top agents in England spotted me dancing in the chorus. I was a singer and dancer in that movie with Maggie Smith, um, and he told me he couldn't sell me as Joyce Penelope Willomena Frankenburger. It was too difficult to spell, too difficult to remember, too German, it was you know, not long after the war and, so, in those days, dancers always changed their name anyway and so, um, it was the normal thing to do. So, I kept the initial J and then since we were looking for something English, easy to remember, and easy to spell, Seymour came up and that was the random third wife of Henry the VIII that no one had ever heard of until they made all the mini-series about it and then they made Out Of A Thousand Days and actually it was quite funny cause I met Dino DeLaurentiis for a movie at that time and Out Of A Thousand Days had just come out and he summoned me, he had an entourage of like 25 people, and he said, ‘Oh Jane Seymour, you are so wonderful. I love you in my movie,' and I, ‘Actually, Mr. DeLaurentiis, I was not in your movie.' ‘No, you were fantastic.' You know, you must never tell Mr. DeLaurentiis that he is wrong, so I accepted, you know, I accepted, you know, raves for a movie I'd never done. And people did, when I first found out they said, you know I think I met you at a party somewhere. I've certainly heard about you. You know, you're good, I've heard about you, it's the strangest thing.

Do you have some connection to Henry VIII?

Jane Seymour: Well, Henry VIII, randomly, after I got this house at St. Catherine's Quarter, I found out that Henry VIII, before he became King Henry was Prince Henry and got a lady knocked up and the offspring was a daughter called Arthuria who was his illegitimate daughter and he persuaded his tailor, Sir John Mort to marry the woman in question and raise the kid and he gave in those days, the rather didn't buy things, they just took houses, they had taken my house and gave my house to Henry VIII's illegitimate daughter, so there is actually a connection to the house.

Are you working at the moment?

Jane Seymour: I, um, I just finished Blind Guy , like a week or so ago. I've been public speaking all over the country, in Milwaukee, and Minnesota. I have been doing design seminars because I have a huge design business as well. Um, I have just been offered a heist movie to start in November.

With who?

Jane Seymour: Um, I can't say yet because they are still casting. But, it's two women and it's a heist thing. It's kind of slightly comedic, but it's definitely a different genre. American, yeah.

Can you tell us a little bit about your public speaking?

Jane Seymour: I do it on all kinds of things. The recent one was a book I wrote called Remarkable Changes: Turning Life's Challenges Into Opportunities, so I was speaking really about how you turn life around when things really bad, things happen and how once you're able to process this and move on that if you're open to it, extraordinary things will come your way. And, I think, you know, this is a prime example of that. But, I'm, I'm going to Santiago in Spain next week. I'm speaking about how the arts can be used in terms of helping the world, in terms of finding harmony and peace in the world.

Are you planning on writing your own memoirs?

Jane Seymour: I think I've written little bits in remarkable changes. A lot of my back-story is in there, along with people stories, and I wrote a book about having twins, and that, that talks a lot about my life. I have not thought of doing the whole memoir thing. I'm actually making a, doing a book right now, a design book for Bull Finch about putting your home together just ‘cause that's my other side of my life is this whole world of art and design, I'm a painter and a sculptor.

How did you get into painting?

Jane Seymour: I, uh, started painting when my life fell apart, uh, when I was forty and, uh, I found myself completely bankrupt and um, and I was finger painting with my kids and I gave the last money I had to a child abuse agency, to a, at a you know one of these silent auctions, to an artist who came, saw my painting, finger painting, and said, oh you're and artist, I said not really and he said, you know, would you like lessons, I said, well I have no money and pretty soon I'm not going to have a house, and he said, oh, I've got some time on my hands and he gave me some watercolor lessons and, uh, I could not stop painting. It stopped me from becoming depressed, I managed to function. One of my first paintings ended up in a book for actors and artists. Discover card decided to do a credit card with paintings on it. They showed three of my paintings at the Guggenheim and sold the one that was on the credit card for enough money for five families to take their dying child to Make A Wish. My husband turned to me and said, ‘Honey, you're going to go home and you're going to paint,' and I've been painting ever since. I love to paint, I paint wherever I am. I painted all the way through Dr. Quinn. It was quite funny, that they move you around the set. They'd move your chairs.. The props people made me a little painting table. Um, the crew loved my paintings, so I ended up having to make editions for them and then they wanted to have them at work, so they were wearing t-shirts with my paintings on and now if you go on the internet, I've just done a campaign for women's heart health; those are four of my images sold as greeting cards. All of the money goes to women's heart health.

What's the site?

Jane Seymour:, yeah. It's more information than you care to know about me. Friends of Jane is actually fans maintain it, but I give them some information. They usually tell me what I'm doing. And then, I work with Saks Inc, in 260 stores I have a very large brand and that, that's there. And then I have a major art business, I've done about 40 one-woman shows. I did my first museum show last year. I'm going to be painting next week in Matanza Creek and showing art to Jesse Jackson out there. So, I do a lot of things other than acting.

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