The DQ Times would like to thank the cast and production of Dr. Quinn, A&E Television and the Dr Quinn fans for their constant encouragement and support and for helping to make the DQ Times Twelfth Anniversary Dr Quinn Reunion such a huge success. Photos on these pages are the property of the DQ Times and their respective owners, not to be used elsewhere. Our deepest thanks to those who have contributed. If you have photos or a story you would like to share, please contact us

" When two friends meet again, I will ask as Emerson suggests,
What has come clearer to you my friend?" - Sam Lindsy-

California Dreamin'

My First Reunion Experience by: Jean McQuaid

All the leaves were brown, and the sky was a dark, and dismal gray,
As I stood California dreamin' on such a nasty winters day.
Thankfully all plans and reservations were set so my eagerness began to grow,
And when April finally came along, I was packed and raring to go.

Some of us came from very near and some of us came from far,
Some of us came by airplane while others came by car.
We'd come to be together with one incentive that was clear,
To share an appreciation for something we all held very dear.

This was my first reunion of Dr. Quinn and it's loyal fans,
And I was hugely impressed with Pam and all her painstaking plans.
No one could be disappointed in whatever would take place.
There was enthusiasm in their voices and a smile on every face.

I'd never felt so welcome as I did at dinner that first night,
Great warmth and hospitality filled the room, everything was just right.
And even though each face was new I felt like I'd met an old friend.
Excited and high-spirited I didn't want the night to end.

We frolicked on the sands of Malibu drinking in its magnificent glories,
And shared with one another truly fascinating and heart-warming stories.
Each account was a little different yet so very much like my own,
And I discovered just how sweeping Dr. Quinn's acclaim had grown.

With evening shadows upon us it was time to fulfill more plans,
So we gathered once again for dinner meeting even more devoted fans.
There was talk of chat rooms and forums and fan fiction writers galore.
So many connections and fellowships the likes I'd never seen before.

So far this reunion had been just a dream, one that had finally come true,
But there was somewhere else I had to go, something else I just had to do.
One could never travel this far from home without seeing that special
place, Where yard goods were sold by Loren Bray and food prepared by Grace.

Tears of familiarity filled my eyes as Colorado Springs came into view,
With the bridge to my left, the town to my right, my adoration and solace
grew.I felt right at home changes and all, my imagination painted the scene,
Of where so much had taken place and where everything had once been.

And I said to myself if, "I'm dreaming please do not let me awake just yet",
For I was about to embark on a fantasy, one that I would never forget.
The stage had been set, all props in place, the show was about to begin,
And I can't explain the feeling of joy when I saw Jane Seymour walk in.

Her elegance, charm and beauty simply lit up the evening sky,
And I couldn't contain my emotions as I gave in and started to cry.
Solitaire, Somewhere in Time, Dr. Quinn, this just couldn't be,
And now the lady I admired so much was standing right next to me.

It was truly a night of miracles as I got to meet even more,
Amazing, warm and friendly people, all whom I respect and adore.
From Beth to Kathryn, Helen and Shawn, Frank and darling Eve,
It wasn't a dream or fantasy, but a reality I still could not conceive.

Sadly all good things must come to an end, all travelers must go home,
And how does one say good-bye to such people, like I've never known.
But as my plane flew over the mountains a tear softly slipped from my eye,
I whispered, "You can bet that we will meet again for true friends never
say good-bye."

With every day that passes now since I'd journeyed to the west,
I find it very difficult to pick which moment that I enjoyed the best.
For I still can't grasp the reality of what had happened and where I'd been,
Along with all the new friends I'd made and new places I had seen.

I'll treasure this extraordinary adventure to the land of Dr. Quinn,
Like a precious jewel guarded safely by my heart and soul within.
My deepest gratitude and thanks to all, each and every one of you,
For keeping the saga of Quinn alive and making my dream come true.

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