a year and a half of planning, the Twelfth DQ Times Anniversary
Reunion Weekend had finally arrived. On Thursday, April
30, 2004, DQ Times members from all over the world began
to pour into the Rennaissance Hotel in Agoura Hills, the
hotel that had been designated as the "members" hotel
for this special weekend. The
first planned event was to be a Get Acquainted dinner.
Original plans had been to have this dinner at the Hamburger
Hamlet which had long ago been adopted as the official
'Dr Quinn restaurant' by fans visiting the
Paramount Ranch during the filming of the series. Sadly,
when Pam Hughes, editor of the DQ Times and the organizer
of the events, called several weeks in advance to finalize
plans for the dinner, she was told that the restaurant
had been losing money for some time and had been recently
closed. Undaunted,
she immediately conferred with the hotel and a substitute
plan was put into effect that would move the welcome dinner
to the hotel restaurant. Pam immediately notified all members
who had signed up for the event of the change in plans
without mentioning another 'plan' that had been in the
works for months.
After dinner, Pam revealed her 'surprise' by inviting everyone
into a different room that had been set up earlier with
the assistance of Jane Seymour's creative team, Susan Luks
(Jane's art director), Debbie Bishop (director of Angel
Gate who handles Jane's publishing) and Debra Pearl (Jane's
personal assistant)to showcase items from Jane's collection.
The special presentation, which had been planned for months,
had been kept secret,given the possibility that, as
with the Hamburger Hamlet, something might go wrong at
the last minute.
tables had been set up along the walls of the room to display
Jane Seymour's creations. On one wall a table displayed
articles from Jane's 'This One and That One" collection'
:dolls, toys, and books, 'another table contained items
from Jane's home design collection: candles, bedding, dolls
etc. and against a third wall, flanked by Susan Luks, Jane's
art director was a table holding a catalogue of Jane's
artwork and some easels that had been set up to display
a sample of Jane's posters.
Debbie Bishop, Susan Luks and Debra Pearl |
Jane's art posters on display |
Cheri Ingle holds an 1800s doll from Jane's collection |
members took their seats at the tables scattered around
the room, Cheri Ingle, (former costume designer for
Dr. Quinn) who now works with Jane on her clothing and
home designs, gave a brief introduction, prefacing her
remarks by explaining that Jane herself had hoped to be
there that night, but had been held up at Chicago O' Hare
airport. Surprise mingled with sighs of disappointment
greeted this announcment. This too, had been part of the
'surprise' as the tentative plan for the evening had been
for Jane to walk in suddenly (ala President Bush greeting
the troops in Iraq!) with no warning. It had been agreed
that nothing would be mentioned so as not to disappoint
anyone, as her appearance would depend completely on her
schedule. Cheri went on to announce that
in lieu of her personal appearance, Jane had arranged a
'gift' for those in attendance- All items on display that
night were to be offered at a special discount. Many of
those in attendance had never had the opportunity to view
Jane's items in person, so this was a rare treat which
all took full advantage of.
highlight of the evening was the discovery of a painting
in Jane's art catalogue, an image of Michaela and Sully
from the first season which Jane had hoped to secure the
rights to in time to offer it as a commerative poster for
the DQ Times Twelfth Reunion Dinner. Alas, negotiations
were still in effect and the painting was as yet still
unavailable. Still collective oohs and aahs could be heard
all through the room as each in turn got a glimpse of this