Story of the Month

In Dr. Quinn's Time

Smile Partner
Photo memories from the set of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman

Paramount Ranch
Then and Now

Curious about what Paramount Ranch looks like now? We have the answer! Take a look

A Pony yes but a Tiger ??
Other moms give their kids pony rides Jane gave hers a TIGER ride! Take a look

Join the Dr. Quinn List
Love the show, the history, and the cast of Dr. Quinn? Think you are the only one out there who cares about quality television anymore? We have just the place for you!   Read More
Join the Dr. Quinn List

Colorado Springs Playhouse Presents
What would Dr. Quinn have been without it's authentic costumes and props? Imagine Sully without his buckskin jacket or Mike without her leather coat? DQ times staff were on hand when the Quinn set was being closed down after the cancellation and brought some pictures back with them of those sad last days.  Say Goodbye

Coming soon a special look back at Paramount Ranch

Multi Media Tributes
America's Night of Television
Pax Salute to Quinn
The Poetry Barn
My Guardian Angel
by Jean McQuaid

In My Dreams
by Cameron
The Prairie Dog's Lament
by: Jean McQuaid

For Mike and Sully Fans
Click on question mark to play